Wednesday, June 18, 2008

NVIDIA launches the ‘best performing GPU on the planet’

Accordingly, NVIDIA announced the release of their latest line of graphics cards this morning. The GTX 260 and GTX 280 mark the debut of the upcoming 200 series GPUs. The GTX 280 counts 240 processing cores and 1GB of RAM under its hood, while the 260 claims 192 cores and 896MB of memory. Either way, we’re talking serious graphic and physics horsepower.

Where there’s eyeball-popping graphics, there’s always an eyeball-popping price tag, and these two chips don’t disappoint: the 280 runs for $650 and the 260 at $399. Both require two PCI-E power connections to run and a huge power supply (perhaps 1,000W?) if you’re even thinking about daisy-chaining them a la Scalable Link Interface, or SLI.

Good news, though: this series actually draws less idle power than the company’s last generation of ultra high-performance cards.

What do you think, readers? ‘Best performing GPU on the planet,’ or a lotta horse for too much cash?

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